The Heirloom Farmer

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Dear Abbie - What Can I Plant After My Garlic?

Dear Abbie: I am harvesting my garlic this week!! But I will have a huge empty space in my garden. What can I plant?

Dear Gardener: Great job on your garlic harvest! Consider planting bush beans, summer squash, cucumbers, early maturing winter squash, sunflowers, heat tolerant greens or a cover crop. You can also consider prepping this space for a fall garden and plant cabbage, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kale, peas, beets and more.

When planting seeds or transplants in the heat of summer, be sure to keep them well watered, provide part shade until they are established, and mulch if needed to retain moisture and reduce weeding.

Happy Gardening!

Abbie, The Heirloom Farmer