The Heirloom Farmer

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Dear Abbie - Swiss Cheese Potato Leaves

Dear Abbie: The leaves on my potato plants look like swiss cheese! They are dotted with tons of tiny holes. Will my plants survive? What can I do?

Dear Concerned Gardener: The culprit is most likely Flea Beetles. Double check by looking closely at the plants, do you see tiny black bugs that jump away if you brush the plant? These are Flea Beetles. In small numbers healthy plants can withstand and outgrow the damage. However, small or otherwise struggling plants can be destroyed. Monitor to determine if the plants look healthy and how much damage is being done. Often in my garden I will see flea beetle damage, but I do nothing and the plants grow just fine!

If you feel you need to do something, either the damage is great or there are high populations of flea beetles, you can apply an organic insecticide, this is only recommended if you have absolutely no other options.

For prevention in the future focus on improving soil health and transplanting large, healthy plants. Did you know, pests do not like how healthy plants taste?! Also, encourage beneficial insects such as parasitoid wasps and green lacewings as they feed on the flea beetles. In extreme cases, floating row covers applied as soon as you plant your crop can be a great preventative.

Happy Growing!

Abbie, The Heirloom Farmer