Dear Abbie - Invisible and Unwanted Guests Need to Leave!

Dear Abbie: Something is eating my bean and pepper plants! I never see any bugs on the plants but they have bites out of all the leaves and my plants look very sad!

Dear Distraught Garden Host: Since you are not seeing any bugs, it might be slugs! They are slimy little unwanted guests who enjoy snacking overnight. Check your plants with a flashlight after dark, you will probably see slugs. If you confirm they are slugs, try Sluggo. This is one of the few products I use in my own garden, but I have found it to be safe and effective. It only kills slugs and snails and is approved for organic use, it will not harm pets, wildlife or beneficials! Please follow the directions on the label for proper use.

Additionally, you can encourage toads, frogs and snakes to make your garden their home!

Happy Gardening!

Abbie, The Heirloom Farmer

A slug eating a plant leaf

Coffee On The Porch Chat - Romanticizing.


Dear Abbie - Swiss Cheese Potato Leaves